As a leader at your university, you know that the world of higher education is changing rapidly – students, parents, and employees demand more, costs are rising, budgets are shrinking, and the role of higher education is shifting. Change is always challenging, especially within a complex university setting. We are known by our clients in the higher education space for facilitating university officials through difficult discussions about the future of the university, for supporting the development of clear strategies for success, and for aligning individuals, executive teams, and the broader university behind the critical decisions being made.
Imagine the impact when you…
How do you get there?
A Sampling of Our University-Affiliated Work
America East Conference
Big Sky Conference
College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA)
CCA22 (formerly FCS/DI Conference Commissioners Group)
George Mason University
Georgia Tech
Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC)
Indiana University Health
Mid-American Conference (MAC)
Montana State University
National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)
National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)
NAU Ecological Restoration Institute
Northern Arizona University
Patriot League
St. Cloud State University
University of Northern Colorado
William and Mary
Women Leaders in College Sports (formerly known as NACWAA)
What Our Clients Say…
“I would speak as a convert to the idea of facilitated strategic planning, and that when it’s done by extremely skilled facilitators (which has been my experience with Springboard), it’s really impressive what you can get done.”
– Kay Norton, former President at >> the University of Northern Colorado
“The two words that come to mind are ‘facilitation expert.’ [Springboard is] able to get people to engage in a way that is difficult to do internally. They are able to get things out of people that they wouldn’t necessarily say in front of an internal group or facilitator. As a result, we can make better decisions and communicate and get buy in from the team.”
– Joanne Keane, Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff at >> Northern Arizona University