What is employee and stakeholder engagement?
You have to get the right people involved in any organizational change or new initiative, so that you can both solicit input from them and, by actively engaging them, ensure buy-in and long-term success for the change or initiative. Reaching out to a broad spectrum of both internal and external stakeholders (including employees, customers, suppliers, partners, and your leadership team and/or board) allows you a clear picture of any challenges, opportunities, and insights that you can use to support next steps for your critical initiatives.
What are the benefits?
- Reduces resistance to a change or upcoming challenge
- Gathers input from a wider spectrum of people beyond those actively involved in planning for the project
- Impartial outside facilitator means honest and candid feedback is collected
- Vehicle for soliciting broad-based feedback early and throughout the change or plan
How do we work?
- Identify key groups of internal and external stakeholders for outreach
- Recommend and implement a series of outreach strategies, which could include focus groups, interviews, and/or surveys
- Use best-in-industry assessments as third-party validations of stakeholder interest and engagement
- Quickly and impartially gather critical data from large groups of people
- Share key themes and challenges with leadership and project teams
- Recommend changes and/or enhancements to the project for better success
- Prepare communication and implementation plans, and draft communications to enhance stakeholder engagement
A sampling of client success stories…
This national non-profit was experiencing major organizational change inside and out. >> Listen to the CEO describe her success with engaging the staff and board around these changes and important initiatives.
>> GMAC: Engaging Employees in Career Planning and Development